Hey everyone, we love you, for real! Pray for Brian and Whitney because they are special and God is crazy about them! Pray for us, because we are two of His favorites! Pray for Jessica because she is amazingly strong and honest. Pray for Shannon because she is so strong and beautiful. Pray for Mark Stoney because He is like tigger the tiger. Pray for Hannah, his lovely wife, because she is so sweet. Pray for Abigail and Rob, our dear friends Jen and Fran and all the good lords and ladies of England (bea and andy and child!) Also Mal and Chricelle in South Carolina who keep america inspired into her freedom. Pray for those mad Jones because they could always use it–and they are amazingly inspirational people; for Bryce and Sam as they keep pressin on!…and pray on until we are One and madly in that love between The Father and His Son!! Pray on!…and Susan Milsner, Brad “the man” Sargent; Dave and Karen Robinson, who hold the celtic torchlight out of love and knowledge without judgement…until we are all together….Mike and Vera Ramsey; Stephen and the Mrs Roach in NC and the good people of Carolina on and on…also big special shout out for Andrew and his heart over his brother dying! We love you man, bless your whole family in this hour of hurt. Know your spiritual tribe loves you deep across time and space!
Looking for Lydia this year!
Finding the Lydias in your life this year… Recall that Lydia was the first woman in Europe to turn towards the message of St Paul.