take which one’s are 4U!
ask HIM!
here’s one
As Jesus prays for the church He touches one of the seven stones which represents the seven spirits of the church——–enter in!
here’s another
Jesus has five aspects to His Being: Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Teacher and Shepard. All are available in Him—–enter in!
here’s another
when Jesus died, the veil tore on the holy of holies in the temple. We ARE that temple, so that veil tore open in us———–enter in!
here’s another
The Holy Spirit and all His Gifts are immediately available——enter in!
understanding of His restoration of the earth—–enter in!
a deeper level of His Incarnation within His People, like gravity—-enter in!
To BE in HIM–enter into His Life
He is the way (the path), the truth (the understanding) and the Life (the energy) to live in Him. He is also the light and the life. Light or understanding is always available and then Life.
When there are spiritual tongues, prophecy is always also available–life and light go together!
a seed of david
to climb into His Presence, we need, clean hands (confessing around our relationships; clean hearts (confessions around our inner motivations); no idols (confessions around areas we have lifted our soul solutions above His spiritual ones); and no false words (confessions around use of our mouth or words). When we confess in each of these areas, allowing the Spirit to convict, we can claim His Blood over each and enter in!—-enter in!
the church is a spiritual organism first, and then a natural one…the order is spirit first, then soul, then body. our spirits serve His; our soul’s serve to express our spirits; and our bodies are in service to our souls..that’s the order.
He is establishing the tabernacle of David in our day–both to BE and to build it is our task!
identity preceeds calling; who we are with Him comes before what He ask us to do! letting Him show us in heaven with Him who we are comes first. Our authority on earth coresponds and starts with our domain above; we have authority below, to the degree that we are occupying our land above..the contours are identical!
ok enough for today–whew!!!