His Being in us poetrying through the lines of our being…as in we ARE His Poesia (ephesian 2:10)…like jesus speaking the poem of Himself through our unique nuances,
broken as we are, but He is whole in us, and His singing through us creates an ambiance of His expression.
I’m looking at a true foundation for art and arting. It goes to Him here in us wanting to express through us–how it comes out uniquely styled based on the shape of the poem you are. As He comes more fully to reside within us, so our own shapes are revealed more acutely and freely, so new voices are heard as He Winds through us.
John was a reed played by the Wind–ie he was yielded, so his identity played forth. That space of freedom was Jesus singing through him less interruptedly than most of us. His Being in us singing out through the unique nuances of what He formed us to be–and that is beautiful! And is the method of restoration of His Creation!