In the old days, people would pilgrimage to Jeusalem to remember what they were connected with. Then they would return to the nations or places they were from and live from that wellspring or saturation point. They were commanded to never forget Jerusalem in thier daily lives, as it was the Source that gave them power to live as jews among the nations. God wanted them to be leaven in the places they lived, and to remain as leaven they were COMMANDED to go to the holy city-the festivals were times of renewal and fresh impartations that could be carried back to thier places of work and play.
As our pilgrimage begins to be global, we will still need the festivals to stay salty and renewed.
Morningstar is a place of renewal for us, Kansas City is another, but then we are asked to go back and be conductors of His Power into the places we were born to be in…to be ourselves into the places we are drawn to live and work.
He wanted to anoint our wole generation to live authentic expressions of His Life. Many got lost in a false dualism between ministry and life. Others went so far into egyptian life that they forgot thier true identity. But we are called to be a unique generation of authentic being in Him, forming fresh expressions of Him on earth.
Our homes and lives in europe participate in this authentic expression of being His People on earth. This Summer many of us were coming out from under that false dualism between ministry and life. He is asking us to be ourselves and live from who He has made us to be. If we are artist, be artist; if business men and women, then be leaven there. We are His Poems, and He wants to manifest His Church into the unique vessels of our lives. That is THE form. And that looks unique to each person.
We still must remain connected to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the places and people He calls Holy and Precious to Him. It is His Beloved Cities. It is sometimes within an institutional setting and other times not. The gathering we just visited was not-it was a festival on a fiddler’s convention site. We must stay open to pilgrimage to Jerusalem in this season, while remaining leaven where we are. This is why He gave commands to go to the festivals. But the festivals are often no longer in church buildings- two years ago, one was in Austin Texas at epicenter. And I was commanded to go. From that pilgrimage came a whole new chapter in my life and journey-a new family which is still forming, and one I am excited about journeying with.