Derek and I were inspired by a whirlwind of blog-reading today… to be honest, neither one of us read online too much but we were really kind of awed by the level of organic community that’s developed among our friends from different places. For some reason Derek and I are watching friends we’ve made at separate times from North Carolina, England, California, Texas, Ohio, Wisconsin, Berlin–go visit each other. It’s so cool, and so God. He makes this invisible little webs and synapse points. He builds his own God-shaped bridges that are not really like the kinds of networks or bridges we often build by nature. God once gave me a vision of how Derek traveled when we were first married. I had never met anyone who traveled so much, and in so many different directions. He didn’t always take the obvious route. Like, this summer, we were in France and had to be in Spain in a week but God told us to go back to Prague, so we took the long way through Italy. The road from France to Spain sometimes goes from FRance through Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, and all the way back to Spain. But in this vision I saw an intricate star–it was a spiritual network that he and I would be traveling. And it was clearly designed by the Lord’s hand. It was watery, and jazzy, sure–and not a unilateral metallic direction–but it was strong in that it was a way of God connecting nations and teaching us how to listen to Him–where to go and when. I knew from there on out that our lifestyle was rather well-designed and orchestrated and uniquely us-shaped but for His purposes.
Anyway, all that to say, his web is very very strong and held at its rim points by the most unusual kingdom clowns. Can you see it forming?!