God is incarnating His Word in us on a newer level. To be a people speaking FROM His Word not about it is the shifting. Allowing Him to transform us in this way is a yeilding process. Soon, we are to go on pilgrimage-the Spainish mystics understood this deep pilrimage into allowing Him to be found in us. There are many deaths along the way. The collective prayer life of Spain has this interior castle understanding, which will be required in this coming season of a new level of Word in His People.
The moment we are in requires us to enter His Life much more fully-to actually BE His living temple, to be baptized INTO His Name (which is His Being). There is a high current call to enter more deeply thelife of Jesus on every level. We must start to really see and know Him Himself-and begin to pray from His Spirit to The Father.
Many have been called to this deeper living in Him, but because of religious yokes have gotten distracted-or because of a lack of vision have not known how to step out and make vulnerable the soles of thier feel like the priest approaching the jordan-but it is time.
I am incarnating My Son more fully in His People in this hour. Anything not in HIM will not make it through the coming chaos. There will be tremendous outpouring of My Power coupled with My allowing the darkness to run rampant.
My Word must come to rest in my people.
I am looking for those unconcerned with rank or position, but only with My Son.
My Word is alive and I am moving it from the page into the hearts of My People!