Zion-living in Jerusalem, sneaking onto evening rooftops over the Arab market to hear the prayers blending in sunset on that ivory white Jerusalem stone. Torah being taught to children in the narrow alleyways-recalling when it became my center years later as i was helping run the community at Catherine’s…in prayer, the star of David appearing on my palms in The Spirit-the sense of patterns of worship and creative design being released through this people-the words remnant, exile..native words..sacred space within and without. The Church hasn’t seemed to get this sense of all of us heading there-that these guys are our brothers and sisters, and how we are priveleged to even pray into that space-zion. Ultimately, I guess, zion is in The Son even as He reigns over it.
Looking for Lydia this year!
Finding the Lydias in your life this year… Recall that Lydia was the first woman in Europe to turn towards the message of St Paul.