Trip to Spain prompting insight into it-a Glory bearer-like His Actual Crown reflected. Each nation reflects a different aspect of The Divine-Spain, his Glory in culture–the word golden. I never use this word, but it suits the country…it is that color of sun on the coastal towns, or the wine in Santiago de Compestela-earthen reds with gold as the overtone. this sense of once seated in the HEavens you start to be shown the nations from that perspective. What they were meant to carry-their true identity. Spain, a glory bearer in dignity-big royal languid words such as supremacy. Unlike the Greeks with their sheer forced proclaimational self-preaching watermelons from passing trucks. Greece is a nation of proclaimers. They proclaim they are going to diner! Spain seems to bask more than proclaim.
On our honeymoon, olive scented and in that middle east white glow light on the Isle of Crete, we went to small town where Titus and Paul presumably had travelled. We felt how and why the Greeks were chosen to carry the gospel-there is a knowledging as you go thing with them. Like they pronounce it out like a buggle-and it is, unlike Americans, not simple poems, but complex ideas, but spoken as poem. And how family warm they were to us-“of course, of course” the lady who kept track of us kept saying to any request we asked of her.
Spain is something else-more silence, more like the word golden.