The Holy Spirit will guide you into the level of understanding that you can handle this day, and at the same time will comfort or even suave you into a way of receiving it! He is both the message and the deliverer! The one who knows how much and in what way you can handle it.
The Holy Spirit filters, and has to simplify what The Father is saying, so that we, as little children, may understand and receive it in a practical living day to day way. God is faithful to communicate what we need daily, to each of us, in a way we can understand, regardless of our situation.
We trust Father to do this in all things, even great suffering. In both our current and future situations, He is our interpreter, and our comforter as we grieve and celebrate the things which we are meant to behold, know and become in Him daily.
St John expressed it like this: (John 16:12-)
“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you. All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.”
(So you see that even in the Trinity they have this partially revealing dynamic)
And He did have much more to say to us, and does daily. Even, or especially, in our hardest moments. We will be able to interpret or understand our daily stories, and the grand narratives of which we are all apart.
Some things are more than we can today handle, but we can trust that we will get today’s manna today, and tomorrow’s on that day. What we can handle and heal from is given in portions! The revelation of His Full Face, would be too much, but we can be given glimpses of aspects that we need to encounter each hour.
And He is able to reveal Himself, progressively, in the way we need to know Him each hour! God is faithful to show us the story, and one chapter or instant, at a time. He works in time an real life drama with each of us.
Our prayer today for our many friends who are experiencing a current grief. May the Spirit of truth be our “Guide” today in all we are experiencing. Guide, speaks of someone who helps us walk it out, in pacing which integrates and helps us heal and become, The Spirit comforts and instruct us, in Wisdom, on into the fullness or towards the goal or fruition of our stories! God is able to show us what we need to know to interpret and go on into a deeper Love.
May we come to trust His guidance, HIs Actual Presence as it reveals itself in our own personal languages, even in grief so that even our style of suffering may become a sign to others of hope and trust/knowing in the Living relational God, who communicates daily in the way we personally need-in sickness and in health. In this way, He will turn our grief to Joy!