“Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am known.” I Cor 13:12
We are seen by God. And as we join in His Perception, we start to see ourselves, others, our cities and nations as He sees them.
“When you look at the world, what is it that you see?” Bono asks.
God’s perception is higher in form and manner than ours. How He sees things, is
much more multilayered simultaneously. He beholds whole sagas instantly.
He sees things as whole, through His Son. His Son is like His lens. He
shares His Perceptions through His Spirit. So a real ongoing
relationship with The Holy Spirit is essential for a true artist or true Seer.
(I invite The Spirit to come for this clarity of perception. So we
can see clearly).
Yes, we see in part, but we can certainly see much more clearly, for the Holy Spirit brings clarity of vision. The Spirit is a clarifying agent, allowing us to see more purely what is. Through this Spirit we can see more clearly ourselves. For this is part of the role or task of the Spirit to guide us into all truth, including the truth about ourselves. Self insight comes through the Holy Spirit. He guides us into a true sight or vision of ourselves!
This perception-His- brings
healing and deliverance! Healing is when we see that we have not seen correctly, and we are convicted of our false vision. Deliverance is when the old is displaced by the new Life in Him–including how we see ourselves, others, and the world. We are delivered from the false into the true Perception.
The displacement of our old visions of ourselves is a type of perceptual deliverance. The healing comes as we reconcile our own versions of our lives, with His Perception of who we are. The disparity between our True Image and how we see and thus treat ourselves is the grief of becoming…
To enter God’s Perception of ourselves is to firstly be in pain, at how we have lived as if it were not true. (Again, the Spirit guides us into all truth-starting with the truth about ourselves!) Then we are delivered from these false, or simple “soul-versions” of our own movie, into His eternally magnificent version of who we are, through His Son. We are the brothers and sister of Jesus after all, and what we will become, has not yet fully been revealed. What a wonder each of us is. What a grand poem which God hand wrote in the ink of His Own Blood. We must receive His Perception of ourselves, because it is whole; and move towards the incarnation of this poem of His.
How He sees, is higher than us. His Perception is of another manner. He offers us vistas, leading towards the “face to face” vision.
Seeing it complete and whole and acting towards that vision is a key.
The action towards our becoming whole, is oriented by His Perception. You see it, then you can do it. Vision motivates fuller incarnation! Throughout scripture, God asked the prophets to see it first, envision it, then, in Him, become it!
If you can’t see it as it truly is, it’s hard to move and act towards it.This is the gift of His Vision to us. How God ministers into and through the imagination! God will first show you how it will be, then we can transform towards this image! If we cannot visualize our true image of ourselves, we will struggle to move in the steadfast direction towards the incarnation of that full person we are, the one Christ died for.
In short, we need to see who we are, in order to be motivated to become it. He shows us glimpses of who we are, so we can move towards that wholeness. He does not move without first revealing where He is shuttering us towards.
We see a person in/by the Spirit, then we guide that vision into
incarnation. That’s discipleship through His Perception. It’s one way
into True Self which is in Christ. We are what we see through His
Eyes. Let’s start becoming that!