my first complaint email ever


I am writing to register a complaint on the use of Victoria’s Secret fashion show ads today on my yahoo mail account. In general, I would prefer to not have any Victoria’s Secret ads at all, but the ads for this fashion show–whether they are paid for by Victoria’s Secret or by CBS–are pornographic and unacceptable.

I am asking that you please remove these ads immediately. I know that advertising is a part of the free email service, but it would be nice if mail users could pick what sorts of ads appear. I also know this ad appeared in all yahoo mails regardless of gender, as my husband received them, too. We disapprove of the use of pornographic marketing, even if it is the “soft” face of Victoria’s secret, and no matter who it is solicited by.

Since my email is also used as a family email, I do not think these are family-friendly ads. I enjoy yahoo’s service and am grateful that you provide spam-filtering, etc. It would also be nice to provide protection against advertising that is offensive.

Thank you,

Amy Chapman

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