much motion around this installation

much motion around this installation happening amy and i want to do around the end of fashion and design mags all over the floor along with photos of peoples faces. The fashion industry usually projects the identity of the designer on its “models” not recognizing the unique id of each person..sometimes its worse when some directly dark persona is projected onto the person..rarely do you see a designer who creates something unique to the person designed for…looking at identity-who a person was created to be-expressing that through clothing-expression. Kingdom garments-the clothing one wears in heaven….true self expression, what does that look like? To live from and express from ones identity in God’s Eyes. The Church has been virtually silent on true identity. The art world hasn’t but has no context from which to judge and so projects false or partial mask out onto people. What is the truth then about who we are from above-like who are we in heaven and designing our expressions of self from this perspective. This happening wants to explore how one expresses self from a heavenly perspective-outside of church world and art world what is self in relation to God, and how does that get authentically expressed–a series of garments with poems spilling out connected to stages of the journey of our identity-lights reflecting seasons of trying on outfits to find our own-the spiritual meaning of certain fabrics, scents, colors…

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