We came back yesterday from a week and half of swirling around Germany and Switzerland. Picked up Kim from Frankfurt after my birthday in Berlin. It was a great day of receiving from Kerstin and friends… Berlin, the power-city, uber-funky and place of constant visioning. If you get stale in your inspiration go to Berlin where you suddenly feel connected to the nations and like you can see for continents. …Then we swirled back to Prague to pick up Debbie and kids, roamed down through gorgeous Czech countryside and then watched leaves turn and blizzard into the southern German mountains. We were headed to Lausanne, Switzerland, for a party and surprise to our Swiss friends on Friday night. It was all such an incredible gift–I thought I had lost the autumn sunshine–but our whole 12-hour journey was complete with an October hailstorm and at sunset TWO different and immense rainbows… I have never seen such huge rainbows–you could count the purples (only in Germany!). Each one of us received much-needed gifts. God is a perfect gift-giver–some of us needed a getaway, others needed to see rainbows at sunset, others needed to feel connected outside of Prague, some needed a reminder of His presence. He spoke to us so loudly in the journey over to Switzerland by the time we got there we were just soaked in love. Sometimes you just have to open up and receive, and He knows the perfect time for all gifts.
Looking for Lydia this year!
Finding the Lydias in your life this year… Recall that Lydia was the first woman in Europe to turn towards the message of St Paul.